Cultivating A Culture of Innovation In Modern Schools

3 min readSep 4, 2022


Information-based economies are developing tremendously which is prompting the rise of another era that goes past knowledge consumption, i.e., the era of knowledge innovation.

For economies to flourish in the age of innovation, an urgent need requests innovative learning institutes to create and follow a structured strategy & system — a procedure wherein the educational plan, guidance, and evaluation are fundamentally changed.

Be that as it may, to take the jump, such methodologies need to consider developing an innovative culture among teachers furthermore, students.

Here, we shall highlight the key drivers of innovation & how they can be integrated to support & build an innovative culture in schools.

Current Situations in Schools

This is what is taking place in many schools, most of them are setting up a system based on the achievement of students, which primarily focuses on scoring higher grades. An extreme focus on tests, grading & examinations is one of the critical issues with the ongoing schooling system. Ideation & imagination which are the root of innovation isn’t seen by schools as a natural aspect of every student.

“Imagination Is The Source of All Human Achievement” — Sir Ken Robinson

Educating about innovation implies being willing to consider fresh and adopt another strategy to educate and learning in schools. The teaching should be designed for training kids to think in manners that lead to innovation & development. Shaping the attitudes that are constructive rather than some regulars’ tests ought to be the objective of each school and the schooling system.

Model and Reward Risk Taking — Teachers need the opportunity to attempt new lessons and give special learning open doors to their students without being afraid. The management should promote such initiatives to make this idea certain.

Make a Safe Place to Fail -While innovating or creating new things, it is usually necessary to do same things multiple times & try more than one approach & therefore, one might experience failure. This is one of the most amazing tools in the process for learning. If the youngsters are not supported after they fail, they are probably going to abandon projects after their initial attempt.

Reward Attitude Not Just Results — Giving importance on figuring out HOW to do things can be essentially as significant as the grades. Real life is more about the attitude you have towards than abilities. Mentality is significant for an individuals’ progression throughout everyday life: It shapes all convictions about people’s insight, intelligence, capacities and attributes.

Creating Curiosity — Following a customized learning approach where students add & contribute to What & How they learn will inspire students’ interest. Instead of being information vessels, students ought to be basic thinkers, issue solvers & solution providers, where they would investigate and get information and abilities with regards to real-life problems. One of the strongest means to install an inventive attitude is inquiry-based learning & creating curiosity.

Break the Rules — The idea of defying the rules here alludes to breaking barriers to find new possibilities. Are teachers reliably utilizing modern thinking? Genius universe, think coding, & flipped learning were not acknowledged in the education department since teachers followed the standards rules & norms.


Turn to Technotreon:

Technotreon Intellectual Ventures is a B2B Research and Development technology solutions provider and intellectual property developer specializing in engineering and world-class product developmental services tailored to cater to startups, inventors & manufacturers. In simple words, we turn your ideas into products that are proprietary and protectable. As a deep-tech R&D expert, we consult in a variety of industries, with an expert in design, engineering & intellectual property.

Alongside being an expert in inventing proprietary industrial products. Technotreon has a revolutionary offering via a course on “How to Innovate” where we educate students and professionals on “How to Ideate, Innovate & Invent”. Our sister company “Technotreon Innovation Academy” provides a course “Ideas to Invention”, a unique course on educating people from being able to invent a product to patenting it. All of it and more alongside live projects on developing products & a patent certificate with your name. To sum up, Technotreon Intellectual Ventures is where inventions are created & Technotreon Innovation Academy is where inventors are born.





Research & Development Technology Solutions Provider & Intellectual Property Developer with Experts in Design, Engineering & Intellectual Property.