Fire In The Hole — Technotreon’s Portable Fire Extinguisher

3 min readAug 30, 2022


Portable fire extinguishers incorporate both independent fire smothering gear that can be used by one individual and wheeled units that can be dealt with by a couple of individuals. Because of their restricted capacity, portable fire extinguishers are intended to control fires that are simply starting or that are of restricted size.

On the off chance that you experience a fire, a portable fire extinguisher can assist with safeguarding you and conceivably put off the fire. This article covers how versatile fire extinguishers work and how to utilize them.

Secure Your Exit

The first and most significant motivation behind a portable fire extinguisher is to assist with people escape. Also can extinguish the fire from your escape route or assist with keeping an exit route open for other people. You ought to be aware where these fire extinguishers are placed and how to utilize them. This guarantees safe clearings.

Battle the Fire

The second motivation behind a portable fire extinguisher is to smother fires completely which requires training. Portable fire extinguishers can’t stifle huge flames. These fire extinguishers in your working environment may just be for safeguarding get away from courses. On the off chance that your boss believes you should battle little flames, they will train you on the basics of how to operate the fire extinguisher.


Invention Explained — Simple Engineering Exhaust System

The present invention provides a fire extinguishing device that includes a spherical container (19) housing the fire extinguishing agent and an air valve and its trigger on the top side of its structure.

At high temperature or in contact with naked flame, the solder metal gives away there by releasing the fire extinguishing agent and hence extinguishing the fire. A plastic wrapping is there on the bottom half of the structure to prevent accidental activation.

The preferred type of agent the apparatus can utilized is pressurized gas or liquid in a few cases. Pressurized foam can also be used in this kind of fire extinguisher.

A fire extinguishing apparatus primarily meant to be primarily utilized in domestic areas but of course could be used in other ways and places, the fire retarding agent enclosed in a spherical container and capturing the benefits of a capsule extinguisher and also having an alternate controlled release mechanism for small fires. The spherical shape of the container allows the personal using the apparatus to roll the extinguisher from a distance for the self-activation of the device.

- Advantages of Technotreon’s Invention -

1) Technotreon monopolistic power since we own the patent for this product.

2) The cost to manufacture is extremely economical.

3) The extinguisher can you filled with various fire retardants & is customizable.

4) Can you used in both ways — Manual as well as automatic.

5) Easy installation & convenient maintenance.


Turn to Technotreon:

Technotreon Intellectual Ventures is a B2B Research and Development technology solutions provider and intellectual property developer specializing in engineering and world-class product developmental services tailored to cater to startups, inventors & manufacturers. In simple words, we turn your ideas into products that are proprietary and protectable. As a deep-tech R&D expert, we consult in a variety of industries, with an expert in design, engineering & intellectual property.

Alongside being an expert in inventing proprietary industrial products. Technotreon has a revolutionary offering via a course on “How to Innovate” where we educate students and professionals on “How to Ideate, Innovate & Invent”. Our sister company “Technotreon Innovation Academy” provides a course “Ideas to Invention”, a unique course on educating people from being able to invent a product to patenting it. All of it and more alongside live projects on developing products & a patent certificate with your name. To sum up, Technotreon Intellectual Ventures is where inventions are created & Technotreon Innovation Academy is where inventors are born.





Research & Development Technology Solutions Provider & Intellectual Property Developer with Experts in Design, Engineering & Intellectual Property.