Why Companies Who Patent & Do Research & Development Should Collaborate With Institutes & Universities.

3 min readAug 29, 2022


Research organizations and colleges & universities all over the planet have become more mindful of the amazing opportunities presented by Intellectual Property (IP) for commercialization of research results, and as a tool for for drawing in capital, contract research, and more prominent cross-treatment between entrepreneurial workforce and industry, among other possible advantages.

Patents & licenses are supposed to assume an essential part in the advancement of new mechanical skills, basically through inventing and establishing high-innovation based firms.

By giving colleges and public research entities the rights their own Intellectual Property (IP) - licenses, copyrights, brand names, utility models, modern plans - from state-supported research, and permitting them to commercialize their research, states try to speed up the transformation of inventive revelations into modern & industrial applications, and to multiply cooperative bonds with businesses.

Reasons Why Institutions Are Collaborating To Enhance Research Capacity

Yielding new information and working with best practices in academics, research and examination, the tie-ups cultivate personnel cooperation and together guide students on their thesis.

A relationship model –

A solid, helpful model that empowers companies to join forces with the academic students in a style that permits them to remain persistently connected & associated with the early stage research and to speed up the interpretation of that research into new products that drive economic development.

Find the organization's R&D closer to the talent/university.

The upsides of having a R&D center present significantly close to colleges & universities has greater advantages to attract young talent.

Seed beginning phase research.

The organization sponsors or co-sponsors PhD applicants or postdoctoral researchers concentrating on new areas of innovation important to the organization.

In the case of something promising arises, then more funding is expected either straightforwardly from the organization or through a cooperative proposition to the government office by the college and the organization.

Develop foundations, not simply people.

Presently more strong helpful models are arising that empower organizations to stay associated with institutions to cultivate long haul research connections on specific research tasks of interest as & when they arise.

Foster more-flexible patent licensing.

Colleges & universities often imagine that companies are searching for cut-rate patent licenses, and companies frequently feel colleges have unreasonable expectations regarding the business worth of patent licenses.

Colleges should perceive that a patent isn't an item or a product. Commercialization can be a long, costly cycle borne by the organization and not all authorized IP gets transformed into a final product.

Likewise, organizations should perceive that when a product succeeds economically, colleges that contributed to the patent licenses utilized by companies naturally need to be compensated decently as far as concerns them.

Both industry and the academic community stand to profit from long haul collaboration. Organizations will acquire more prominent state of the art research and talent when corporate R&D spending plans are progressively under tension. Colleges will get access to monetary help and accomplices in research while government funding is shrinking. In particular, society will profit from new inventions being discovered — in different industries — that will immeasurably improve & have an impact everyone’s life.


Turn to Technotreon:

Technotreon Intellectual Ventures is a B2B Research and Development technology solutions provider and intellectual property developer specializing in engineering and world-class product developmental services tailored to cater to startups, inventors & manufacturers. In simple words, we turn your ideas into products that are proprietary and protectable. As a deep-tech R&D expert, we consult in a variety of industries, with an expert in design, engineering & intellectual property.

Alongside being an expert in inventing proprietary industrial products. Technotreon has a revolutionary offering via a course on “How to Innovate” where we educate students and professionals on “How to Ideate, Innovate & Invent”. Our sister company “Technotreon Innovation Academy” provides a course “Ideas to Invention”, a unique course on educating people from being able to invent a product to patenting it. All of it and more alongside live projects on developing products & a patent certificate with your name. To sum up, Technotreon Intellectual Ventures is where inventions are created & Technotreon Innovation Academy is where inventors are born.





Research & Development Technology Solutions Provider & Intellectual Property Developer with Experts in Design, Engineering & Intellectual Property.